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Ebooks: Using Marx Library Ebooks with Ereaders: JSTOR

Compatible Devices

  1. Kindle
  2. Nook
  3. Sony eReader
  4. Kobo
  5. iPad
  6. Android

Printing/Downloading Restrictions

There is no DRM (digital rights management) on JSTOR ebooks; however, ebooks can only be downloaded and printed chapter-by-chapter. Systematic downloading and printing of JSTOR ebooks is not allowed.

Search Screen

Currently the Marx Library owns over 900 JSTOR ebook titles. To retrieve them, use the Advanced Search option, which is the default search from the Library's web site, and limit to Content I can access and Books.

JSTOR search screen


Results Screen

The JSTOR results screen lists books chapters that cover the topic you've searched and allows you to sort the results by relevance or publication date. You can also narrow your search by date or discipline on this screen.

JSTOR search result screen


Complete Book Information

Although you cannot download a complete book, you have to download chapters, you can view the table of contents and download chapters on this page.

JSTOR book page


Displaying the PDF

In order to display the PDF, you need to accept JSTOR's terms and conditions.

JSTOR terms and conditions

Then the pdf will display: