All ebook collections are compatible if you are using them through Safari. If you want to download them the following collections can be used:
The easiest way to use Marx Library ebooks on the iPad, the iPhone or the iPod touch, is to use Safari and read them online. However, if you want to download them to your device, use the Bluefire Reader app.
Download the Bluefire Reader app for free from the app store.
Springer ebooks and ACLS Humanities ebooks, that are in pdf format, can also be opened using other applications such as Dropbox, iBooks and iAnnotate PDF, but Bluefire Reader will open pdf files as well as ebooks that come in other formats, including those that normally require Adobe Digital Editions.
Choose Open in Bluefire Reader. You will get a message telling you the download was successful and you can either choose Read Later or Read Now.
EBSCO ebook Collection
Springer ebooks do not have digital rights management on them and thus do not need to be checked out and can be accessed by more than one person at the same time. The downside to this is that only a chapter at a time can be downloaded.