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Alabama Government Documents Online

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Alabama Government Documents

The University of South Alabama State Documents Collection is a current collection of links to Alabama Government Documents. The collection has links related to both current and historical documents published by all Alabama State Agencies and are vital to the educational, business, personal, civic, legislative and research needs of Alabama citizens.

Topic areas covered are, but not limited to, health, education, history, culture, art, energy, economics, business, taxes, natural resources, agriculture, tourism, labor, human services, state parks, museums, and all other areas of Alabama State Government.

Resources included are annual reports, periodicals, statistics, directories, newsletters, technical reports, policy reports, brochures, monographs, minutes of state board & commission meetings, laws/rules/regulations, maps, and all other documents related to Alabama State Government.

The collection currently consists of links to online-only Alabama Government Documents. Additional Alabama Document resources will be made available at a later date.



Vicki Tate (VLT), University of South Alabama Library
Kaitlyn Moody (KAM), University of South Alabama Library 
Paula L. Webb (PLW), University of South Alabama Library

Updated: 7/9/21  VLT

Alabama Resources

Updated: 9/19/19 VLT

Government Documents Librarian and Depository Coordinator

Profile Photo
Vicki Tate
Marx Library RM 222
University of South Alabama
5901 USA Dr. N.
Mobile, AL 36688

Government Documents/Serials LTA II

Profile Photo
Kaitlyn Moody
University of South Alabama
5901 USA Dr. N.
Mobile, AL 36688

LibGuide Information

This LibGuide was originally created by Paula Webb and is currently being updated by Kaitlyn Moody and Vicki Tate on a continuous basis.  If you have any questions regarding content, email: