"To ensure that quality health care facilities, services, and equipment are available and accessible to the citizens of Alabama in a manner which assures continuity of care at a reasonable cost."
The Mortality Statistical Query System allows users to make selections from a number of variables to create their own tables. One of those variables is cause of death, which is presented in standard categories of public health importance such as diabetes, cancer, accidents, etc., to make it easy for users to select areas of interest.
-- 1990 - 2020
The Natality Statistical Query System provides a means to create tables showing frequencies of births to Alabama residents based on your selections. Select variables for the rows and columns, and then make selections to restrict which birth records to include in the query.
-- 1990 - 2020
The Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) is a joint research project between the Alabama Department of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The purpose of Alabama PRAMS is to learn why some babies are born healthy and others are not.
-- 2000 - 2013
Home Page
"The purpose of the AHSAA is to regulate, coordinate and promote the interscholastic athletic programs among its member schools, which include public, private and parochial institutions."
Home Page
"The Alabama Commission on Higher Education is the state agency responsible for the overall statewide planning and coordination of higher education in Alabama, the administration of various student aid programs, and the performance of designated regulatory functions."
Home Page
"The mission of the State of Alabama Home Builders Licensure Board is to provide consumer protection by safeguarding the public’s health, safety and welfare through the regulation of the residential construction and remodeling industries while promoting industry professionalism and home building and remodeling standards."
Home Builders and Roofing Licenses are issued to both Individuals and Corporations. This database information is current as of the time and date the search is performed. Since search results may not be complete, it is Not Official. Search by License Number, Licensee Name, City, and County.
Home Page
"The Alabama House of Representatives is comprised of 105 members. Each member represents a district of approximately 40,000 people. The members of the House are elected to four-year terms."
General Rules of Order and Procedure
Rules Relating to Members of the House
Rules Relating to the Presiding Officer
Rules Relating to Committees
Rules Relating to the Clerk and the Journal
Joint Rules of the Two Houses of the Legislature of Alabama