Periodicals (newspapers, magazines, and journals) are located in several areas of the library, depending on their format and age.
Current print periodicals: 2nd floor south, shelved alphabetically by title
Periodicals on microfilm or microfiche: 2nd floor south, in metal cabinets
Older print periodicals: 2nd floor south, shelved by call number
Electronic periodicals: accessible via the library homepage
To see if a particular journal is in the Libraries' collection, or to browse journal titles by discipline, use the Our Journal List link.
USA Dissertations are located in the reference area of the Marx Library on the 2nd floor, north side. They may be checked out. USA dissertations are also listed in the library catalog (SOUTHcat) and in ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. Additionally, ProQuest Dissertations and Theses provides access to dissertations from other universities.