The USA Libraries subscribe to several subscription e-book collections. These collections tend to focus on a specific discipline or field of study in their coverage.
Part of Google's library-scanning project. Only books in the public domain are shown in full text. Others may have just a citation or show selected pages from the book. Remember, you can check SOUTHcat to see if we have a book you find in Google Books if the full text is not available.
These are books that are located in the reference section of the Mitchell College of Business Library:
A to Z Guide to American Consumers: quick links to free demographics (HB 3505.R867 2008)
Alabama Business Directory (HF 5065.A37 A34 2009/2010)
Almanac of Business and Industry Ratios (5681.R25 T68)
Encyclopedia of Consumers Brands (HF 5415.3.ES27 1994)
Consumer Behavior (HF 5415.33.U6 C66 2009)
Hoover's Handbook of Industry Profiles (HD 2328.H363 2010)
Hoover's Handbook of Private Companies (HG 4057.A2 8616 2011)
Household Spending: who spend how much on what (HC 110.C6 A666)
World Consumer Income and Expenditure Patterns 2011 [Euromonitor] (HB 522.W67)
Who's Buying Series (2009):
By Age (HF 5415.33.U6 W45)
Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Beverages (HD 9348.U5 W46)
Apparel (HD 9940.U6 W46)
Entertainment (GV 53 W46)
Executive Summary of Household Spending (HC 110.C6 W48)
Groceries (HD 9321.4.W46)
Healthcare (RA 410.53.W48)
Household Furnishing, Services and Supplies (HD 9773.A1 W46)
Information and Consumer Electronics (HE 7601.W46)
Pets (SF 414.7.W46)
By Race and Hispanic Origin (5415.33.U6 W46)
Restaurant and Carryout (TX 945.W46)
Transportation (HD 9710.U52.W54)
Travel (GA55.U6.W46)
Review the Table of Contents and Indexes to these books in the libary. You may just find a paragraph, chapter or even more that will help your marketing plan be the 'best in class':
Global Brand Strategy: unlocking brand potential across countries, culture and markets by Sicco Van Gelder (Marx Library HD 69.B7 V357 2003)
Brandchild: remarkable insights into the minds of today's global kids and their relationships with brands by Lindstrom and Seybold (Marx Library HD 69.B7 L55 2003)
Branding your Business: promoting your business, attracting customers and standing out in the market place by Hammond (MCOB HF5415.1255.H36 2008)
Breakthrough Nonprofit Branding by Daw (MCOB HD 62.6B735 2011)
Creating a successful marketing strategy for your small new business (MCOB HF 5415.13.S8573 2010)
How Cool Brands Stay Hot: Branding to Generation Y by Van Den Bergh and Kerkstoel (MCOB HF 5415.332.Y66 B47 2011)
Ingredient Branding: making the invisible visible by Kotler and Pfoertsch (MCOB 5415.1255.K68 2010)
The Global Brand: how to create and develop brand value in the world market (MCOB HD69.B7.H646 2010)
Brand relevance: making competitors irrelevant by David Asker (MCOB HD 69>B7 A21535 2011)
WikiBrands: reinventing your company in a customer-drivern marketplace by Moffitt and Dover (MCOB HD 69.B7.M653 2011)
Brand Media Strategy: integrated communications planning in the digital era by Young (MCOB HF 5415.1255.Y68 2010)
How Brands grow: what marketers don't know by Sharp (MCOB HF5415.1255.S52 2010)
Content Rules: how to create killer blogs, podcasts, videos, eBooks (and more) that engage customers and ignite your business by Handley, Chapman and Scott (MCOB HF 5415.1265 H3577 2011)
The Marketing Plan: how to prepare and implement it by Luther (MCOB HF 5415.L83 2011)
Preparing Effective Business Plans: an entrepreneurial approach (MCOB HD 30.28.B36837)
The Nonprofit Marketing Guide by Miller (MCOB HF5415.L474 2010)
The Referral Engine: teaching your business to market itself by Jantsch (MCOB HF 5438.25.J36 2010)
Research on Main Street: using the web to find local business and market information by Bates and Phelps (MCOB HF 54.56.P47 2011)
Breakthrough Nonprofit Branding: seven principles to power extraordinary results by Cone, Erhard and Merenda (MCOB HD 62.6.B735 2011)
Measure What Matters: online tools for understanding customers, social media, engagement and key relationships by Paine, Paarlberg, Grunig (MCOB HF 5415.5 P34 2011)
We First: how brands and consumers use social media to build a better world by Pariser (MCOB)
To find books and government documents in USA Libraries' collections, use SOUTHcat: USA Libraries' Catalog.
If the USA Libraries don't have the book or article you're looking for, you can place a request for it via Interlibrary Loan (ILL). The link below will take you to the ILL page.