See links at beginning of each section for content
3.0 General Principles
4.0 TC4N and Its Users
5.0 TC4N and Its Administrator
5.1 Sequence of Menus
5.2 Management of accounts
5.3 Management of Departments
5.4 Automatic Revaluation
5.5 Magnetic Cards Recording
5.6 Statistics Counters
5.7 Price and Maximum Value Setup
5.8 Group Number Setup
5.9 Language
5.10 User's Card Automatic Ejection
5.11 Functioning Mode
5.12 Beep
5.13 Automatic Revaluation Parameter
5.14 Eject if Error
7.0 Use of Printer
8.0 Compatibility with Cartadis Equipment
9.0 Installation
10.0 Service
11.0 Trouble-shooting
12.0 List of Messages