This subject guide highlights information and resources to help you use best practice in managing your research data throughout it's life cycle, including developing data management and sharing plans, file naming and cataloging conventions, metadata standards, proper storage and security, and determining where to archive your data in order to comply with accessibility mandates.
These topics are increasingly important, as NIH's new Data Management and Sharing Policy (DMSP) went into effect on January 25, 2023, with the expectation that investigators and institutions with research funded or conducted in whole or in part by NIH that results in the generation of scientific data will:
Other funding agencies, including the National Science Foundation, also have policies that impact the management and sharing of data and require DMPs be included with grant applications.
Archive: A data archive is a site where machine-readable materials are stored, preserved, and possibly redistributed to individuals interested in using the materials. Also called a repository.
Data: A reinterpretable representation of information in a formalized manner suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing. Examples of data include a sequence of bits, a table of numbers, the characters on a page, the recording of sounds made by a person speaking, or a moon rock specimen.
Data Citation: The practice of referencing data products used in research. A data citation includes key descriptive information about the data, such as the title, source, and responsible parties. (
Data Citation Frequently Asked Questions
Data Dictionary: A formal repository of terms used to describe data.
Data Management Plan: A data management plan (DMP) is a formal document that outlines the creation, management, sharing, and preservation of data, both during and after a research project. Many funding agencies require researchers prepare a DMP as part of funding proposals.
Digital Object Identifier: A DOI is a unique persistent identifier for a published digital object, such as an article or a study. DOIs are included in ICPSR citations to data collections.
Digital Preservation: A term that encompasses all of the activities required to ensure that the digital content designated for long-term preservation is maintained in usable formats, for as long as access to that content is needed or desired, and can be made available in meaningful ways to current and future users.
Digital Curation's Center's Digital Curation Glossary
ICPSR's Glossary of Social Science Terms
Data Management and Sharing Tips & Resources (NIH Extramural Nexus)
12 tips and resources that NIH Extramural Nexus would like to gift you [including a 1-pager brief and comparison chart between the 2003/23 policies].
Data Terms related to the NIH DMS Plan and Policy
A guide for definitions and descriptions of terms related to the sections (aka Elements) of the NIH Data Management and Sharing Plan.
NIH Learning Resources
Highlighted resources for learning more about the NIH sharing policy.
NIH Policies Related to Data Management Sharing Policy
NOT-OD-21-013: Final NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing
NOT-OD-21-014: Supplemental Information on Elements of an NIH Data Management and Sharing Plan
NOT-OD-21-015: Allowable Costs for Data Management and Sharing
NOT-OD-21-016: Selecting a Repository for Data Resulting from NIH-Supported Research
NOT-OD-22-189: Implementation Details for the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy
Applicable Activity Codes
List of activity codes covered by the new NIH policy.
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ for 2023 NIH Data Management & Sharing Policy.