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MKT 544: Global Environment of Business: Foreign Corporate Instruments

This guide is to assist the students in MKT 544 Country Analysis assignment. [Originally created by Marty Branch, Business Librarian]

Things to consider

When investing in foreign corporate investments (equity based) which is attractive for it's typical high returns, the investor needs to consider and research the risk, regulations (online transfers and taxation) and exchange rates of the country in which the company is publicly held.

A website that contains a tutorial on foreign corporate instrument investing (

Library Business Databases

Commercial Paper

In the global money market, commercial paper is an unsecured promissory note with a fixed maturity of 1 to 15 days.

External Resources

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Amia Baker
MCOB Library
University of South Alabama
5811 USA Drive South, Room 240H MLRC
Mobile, AL 36688
(251) 460-7998
Subjects: Business