Marx Library
Those in all colleges except the Colleges of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health Professions, should use the Marx Library's Interlibrary Loan system. The Colleges of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health Professions should use the Biomedical Library's Interlibrary Loan system.
Before you request something through Interlibrary Loan, check SOUTHcat to see if we own the item if it is a book. If you are looking for a particular journal article, check Our Journal List to see if the University Libraries own the the journal title.
You may still find yourself needing to request books or articles that our library does not own. In this case, you need to use Interlibrary Loan. Our Interlibrary Loan uses a system called ILLiad. You create an account for yourself with a username and password. Then you just login to your account and request items not owned by the University Libraries.
First Time User Registration
Login to ILLiad
Remember to allow at least 10 working days for Interlibrary Loan requests to be processed and the items received.
Biomedical Library
Faculty, staff and students of the the Colleges of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health Professions should use the Biomedical Library's Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery system.