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Writing Across the Curriculum: Library Resources for Writing Intensive (W) Courses: Finding Articles

Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search

Our Journal List

If you know the name of a journal and want to determine if the Libraries own the fulltext, check the title in Our Journal List.

Selected Databases

This is a selected list of databases. The University Libraries subscribe to many more; for a complete list for the Marx Library see Articles, Indexes, Databases; for the Biomedical Library see Databases.


Academic Search Complete (EBSCO). Some full text for more academic journals
Academic OneFile (Gale/InfoTrac). Some full text for more academic journals
JSTOR: covers business, the sciences and the humanities. These journals are the back issues.
LexisNexis Academic.  Most noted for newspaper articles and law reviews, but also has transcripts, wire services, court cases, federal and state laws and a good statistics database. This is also a good source for business research
Oxford Journals Online: covers life sciences, mathematics & physical sciences, medicine, social sciences, humanities, and law. Access is from 1996 - current.
Sage Journals Online: covers education, medicine, sociology, business, science and a variety of topics.


Accounting Research Manager: We only have one login, so remind students to logout when they are finished.
Business Source Premier (EBSCO): includes trade journals, country reports, industry reports and market research reports.


Education Research Complete (EBSCO): contains fulltext articles.
ERIC (EBSCO): includes fulltext ERIC documents
Professional Development Collection (EBSCO): contains fulltext articles

Health and Medicine

CINAHL Plus with Fulltext (EBSCO): nursing and allied health
MDConsult: includes medical texts, journal articles and practice guidelines
Medline with Fulltext (EBSCO)


GeoRef: Does not have fulltext articles but links out to them.
ScienceDirect: covers physical sciences, engineering, life sciences, health sciences, social science and humanities, including business. Access is from 1995 - current.
SpringerLink: covers the sciences. Access is 1997 - current. Also includes ebooks.
Wiley Online Library: like ScienceDirect, this is not just science; it covers business, science, education, social sciences and humanities as well. Access is from 1997 - current.

Setting Google Scholar Preferences

Use Google Scholar through the Marx Library's web site in order to access the University Libraries' full-text resources when you are not on campus. Follow these steps:

  • Go to the Library's web site at and choose Internet Search Engines
  • When you choose Google Scholar, you will be asked to login as you did for our databases
  • Once you get to Google Scholar, choose Scholar Preferences next to the Search box
  • In the Library Links box, type University of South Alabama
  • You should get five choices: University of South Alabama (Full Text@IngentaConnect), University of South Alabama - Full-Text@USA ; Alabama Virtual Library - AONE Full Text@AVL , Open WorldCat (Library Search); and University of South Alabama - USA eText
  • Check the boxes in front of each one except Alabama Virtual Library - AONE Full Text @ AVL and University of South Alabama - USA eText
  • Click Save Preferences

You should now be able to connect to the full-text of subscribed University Libraries' resources if they are part of the results of your search.