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BUS 440: Business in Regional and Emerging Markets: Assignment 4- Using Business Source Complete

This guide will help students in the BUS 440: Business in Regional and Emerging Markets locate data about countries.

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Amia Baker
MCOB Library
University of South Alabama
5811 USA Drive South, Room 240H MLRC
Mobile, AL 36688
(251) 460-7998
Subjects: Business

Search Tips

Try using our "Business Source Complete" database to locate articles. Here's one example of a search you might try:



If you don't find useful articles, try changing up the terms used in your search.

Dr. Sharland mentioned using "School to work" as a search term.

Look for Subject Terms that are included with articles to see if they use terms that might be useful. For example, after looking through the search results for this search, I found that "Apprenticeship" might be another term to use to find articles. 

Cited References

When you find an article that includes information relevant to your search, take a look at the Reference List to see the research materials (articles, books, data, etc) that the author(s) cited. 

In some databases, there will be a link to these "Cited References."  This is an example from "Business Source Complete." Clicking the link will give you a list of all the References for this article. If that item is included in the database, it will give you a link to the full-text of the article.