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Publication Metrics: Web of Science Benchmarking & Analytics


To use InCites, you must have or register for a personal Web of Science account. Incites Benchmarking & Analytics will allow you to:

  • create tables and graphs based on 
    • researchers
    • organizations
    • locations
    • research areas
    • journals, books, and conference proceedings
    • funding agencies
  • Run reports for
    • researchers
    • local journal utilization
    • research performance
    • collaborations
    • institution profile

InCites System Reports

InCites allows users to run a variety of reports.

Web of Science System Reports

Research Performance Report

This is an example of a research performance report for the University of South Alabama. It provides, among other data, information on:

  • The number of documents indexed in Web of Science per year for USA researchers
  • The number of times per year that USA researchers are cited
  • The Web of Science subject areas in which USA researchers publish
  • The normalized citation impact per year for USA researchers

Web of Science Research Performance Report

InCites Benchmarking & Analytics

 The Web of Science benchmarking and analytics tool allows researchers to access a wide range of information about journals, researchers, organizations, and research areas. To access InCites, click on InCites in the top menu bar. If you do not have an account, you will be prompted to register for one.

InCites on  top menu

Exploring InCites Data

Within InCites, you can create table and graphs on organizations, locations, research fields, researchers, publication type (journals, books, conference proceedings, and funding agencies.

exploring incites data

Creating a Table

To create a table, click on the type of data above that you are interested in looking at, choose your settings from the menu next to Documents (bar graph, pie graph, etc., the type of data you want to explore (% documents cited, times cited, etc., and the number of data points you want to show on the table.)  Then from the left menu, narrow your choices by entity type (the default would be what you choose above), time period, by attributes (person name or ID, organization), by research network, and by research output. Then click on update results. 

Trend Chart Example

Web of Science Trend Chart