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University of South Alabama (USA) Libraries has a Read and Publish agreement with Cambridge University Press Journals where University of South Alabama researchers can publish in their open access journals without incurring author publishing fees (APCs).

For more information on this agreement check out OA Agreement -- University of South Alabama, US.

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Read and Publish Agreement

To alleviate the problem of exorbitant Open Access author fees, the University of South Alabama Libraries and Cambridge University Press have partnered to provide USA faculty opportunities to publish in Cambridge’s nearly 400 Gold and hybrid Open Access journals without having to pay any publishing fee. This agreement is active until December 31, 2026.

Papers submitted under the Read and Publish agreement still undergo the same peer-review process that any manuscript submitted to a Cambridge subscription journal does, guaranteeing the same high quality of research across all Cambridge Journals.

The journals covered under this agreement span a wide variety of disciplines, including history, business, language, psychology, mathematics, classics, biology, medicine, engineering, music, and literature, among others.  Download the full list of titles included in this agreement.

In order to take advantage of this opportunity, all submitted articles must meet the following criteria:

  1. Have a corresponding author who is affiliated with USA (see definition of corresponding author)
  2. Be original research. This can include research articles, review articles, case reports and more (see article types definitions).
  3. Be accepted for publication in a Cambridge Journal included in the agreement. Download the full list of titles included in this agreement.
  4. Be accepted for publication between January 1, 2024 and December 31, 2026.

More information on the process for submitting research to Cambridge University Press journals can be found at CUP’s website under Read and Publish Agreement with the University of South Alabama.

Publishing Open Access Under This Agreement

This information is from the Cambridge OA agreement -- University of South Alabama, US page.

  1. Choose your journal on Cambridge Core
    1. Find the journal that best fits your work on Cambridge Core.
    2. Publishing OA under this agreement is only available in journals listed above.
  2. Submit your research
    1. Follow the instructions on your journal’s homepage to submit your research.
    2. Ensure you use your institutional affiliation (ideally using an ORCID iD). Eligibility is based on the corresponding author’s affiliation as it is printed on the article; this affiliation should reflect where the research was mostly conducted.
  3. Complete your OA publishing agreement
    1. Once your work has been accepted, complete and submit the journal’s OA author publishing agreement and select the creative commons licence which will determine how readers can use your article.
  4. Coordinate your APC transaction
    1. Our service provider Rightslink will then contact you to coordinate your APC transaction. To take advantage of this agreement, you must seek funding from your institution, following the instructions in our Guide to Paying an APC.
    2.  Affiliated corresponding authors are eligible to have their APC fully covered. Your institution has pre-paid for OA publishing as part of this agreement. Seeking funding will not impose any additional cost on your library, however final approval for OA funding may be determined by your library. 

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Muriel Nero
251-461-1754 or 6-2837