If you have been sexually assaulted, we encourage you to consider your safety first. Once you are safe, then move on to other areas of concern. Try not to worry about your physical appearance. You will not be judged by those seeking to assist you. If you can wait, please do not shower. Many important pieces of information (DNA, etc) may be on your person. It is understandable that you may be experiencing feelings of trauma. An advocate from the campus Victim Advocate program or Lifeline's Rape Crisis Center can assist you in developing a plan of action and in accessing available resources.
You can call 911 for immediate help, the Lifelines Counseling Services of Mobile at (251) 473-7273, or South Alabama's Title IX office at (251) 460-6452.
This LibGuide is here to provide university students, faculty, and staff with mental health resources. Remember that your use of library resources is kept confidential. No one will know or reveal the books you check out or materials you read. If you have an emergency, please call 911 or call (251) 460-7051 to speak to USA Counseling Services.