This guide is designed for faculty members to use. Some information may also be useful for staff and graduate students.
The library includes services like photocopying, printing, and checking out materials. If we don't have already have materials you would like to access, you can request us to get the materials, or you can try to access them through Open Access pathways.
Our Marx Library building has a Starbucks, an art gallery, a Graduate Student Lounge, and a variety of seating/studying areas.
You can request library instruction sessions from librarians. These sessions will usually directly relate to a research project in the course.
We can also support you finding and using OER and OA materials, and we can help with protecting your researcher identity and with sharing research products.
Yes, you can print, copy and scan at the Marx Library. You can upload documents from a personal device, or use one of the Marx Library's computers located on the 1st and 2nd floor.
Good to know Information
For a step-by-step guide to printing in the library, check out this handy LibGuide: Printing in the Library: Everything You Ever Need to Know.
Questions? Ask a librarian or staff member.
The Circulation staff will accept a requisition as payment for copies if it is signed by the department chair and includes the department account number.
Department Photocopy/Printing "Authorization to Purchase" Form
USA Libraries has discipline librarians. There librarians are dedicated to supporting different disciplines.
Marx Library Discipline Librarians (most discipline librarians are here)
Phone: 251-460-7938
Interlibrary Loan
Phone: 251-460-7034
Circulation and Reserve
Phone: 251-460-7028
Collection Management
Phone: 251-460-7033
Phone: 251-460-7026
Government Documents and Serials
Phone: 251-460-7024