To find books and government documents in USA Libraries' collections, use SOUTHcat: USA Libraries' Catalog.
Catalog tips and tricks:
Keyword searches – use quotation marks to hold phrases together ("missing in action")
Truncation – use ? after the root of a word to find all its variants (e.g. “Vietnam?” can be used for either Vietnam or Vietnamese)
Browse the Subject(s) field in records to find the right words for searches. (Example: Try doing a keyword search for "POW",and "Vietnam" then look at the subject(s) field in several records. You’ll see that the subject term is "Prisoners of war--Vietnam." Click the subject heading to find more records with this subject.)
Revise and refine your searches.
Watch for repeating call numbers and browse stacks in that area.
Suggested Subject search terms:
"Vietnam War, 1961-1975"
--Aerial operations
--Conscientious objectors
--Moral and ethical aspects
--Protect movements
--Psychological aspects
--United States
“College students—Political activity”
“Draft—United States”
“Southeast Asia—History”
“Subversive activities-United States”
“United States. Air Force [or other military branch]—History—Vietnamese Conflict, 1961-1975”
“United States—Foreign relations—Vietnam”
“United States—Military Policy—History—20th century”
“Vietnam—Politics and government—1945-1975”
"Agent Orange"
“Pentagon Papers”
The name of a specific battles, e.g. “Tonkin Gulf Incidents, 1964” or “Easter Offensive, 1972”
The USA Libraries subscribe to several subscription e-book collections. These collections tend to focus on a specific discipline or field of study in their coverage.