SOUTHcat is the catalog for the libraries at the University of South Alabama. Use this to find records for books, electronic books, media items, and government documents in our collection.
The list of electronic databases and reference sources subscribed to by the Marx Library. Use this link to find newspaper, magazine, and academic journal articles from a variety of sources.
U.S. Bureau of Land Management--access to Federal land conveyance records for the Public Land States, including image access to more than five million Federal land title records issued between 1820 and the present. Images are related to survey plats and field notes, dating back to 1810.
Reprinted by W.S. Hein, 1998
Marx Library Gov Docs Reference (2nd FL South, Non-Circ)
KF 11 .A48 1998
Class 8 (Public Lands): v. 1-8 and
Class 9 (Claims): v. 1
Southern Historical Press, 1994
Marx Library Gov Docs Reference (2nd FL South, Non-Circ)
J 33 .M3 1994
"A Computerized Index to the American State Papers, Land Grants and Claims, 1789-1837"
U.S. Geological Survey, 1987
Marx Library Gov Docs Map Cabinets (2nd FL South)
I 19.111/a:38077-H 1-UG-05 M-18 (Shelved in the United States map drawer.)