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Occasional Papers from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
- Adamczyk-Garbowska, Monika. Patterns Of Return: Survivors' Postwar Journeys to Poland
- Arad, Yitzhak. The Holocaust in the Soviet Union
- Baigell, Matthew E. Jewish Artists in New York During Holocaust Years
- Bartov, Omer. From the Holocaust in Galicia to Contemporary Genocide: Common Ground-Historical Differences
- Bauer, Yehuda. On the Holocaust and Other Genocides
- Browning, Christopher. Initiating the Final Solution: The Fateful Months of September-October 1941
- Buergenthal, Thomas. International Law and the Holocaust
- Caron, Vicki. The Path to Vichy: Antisemitism in France in the 1930s
- Engel, David. On Studying Jewish History in Light of Holocaust
- Gay,Peter , Moritz Frohlich. Morris Gay: A German Refugee in the United States
- Gilbert, Sir Martin. Holocaust Writing and Research Since 1945
- Giles, Geoffrey J , Why Bother About Homosexuals? Homophobia and Sexual Politics in Nazi Germany
- Goldhagen, Daniel. 'Willing Executioners' /'Ordinary Men' Debate
- Greenspan, Henry. The Awakening of Memory: Survivor Testimony in the First Years after the Holocaust and Today
- Grynberg, Henryk. The Holocaust as a Literary Experience
- Hartman, Geoffrey H. Preserving Living Memory: The Challenge and Power of Video Testimony
- Hayes, Peter. Profits and Persecution: German Big Business and the Holocaust
- Heberer, Patricia. The Holocaust in the Netherlands: A Reevaluation
- Hertzberg, Arthur. The First Encounter: Survivors and Americans in the Late 1940s
- Iggers, Georg G. Refugee Historians from Nazi German: Political Attitudes towards Democracy
- Jarausch, Konrad. The Conundrum of Complicity: German Professionals and the Final Solution
- Krell, Robert. Psychological Reverberations of Holocaust in the Lives of Child Survivors
- Lang, Berel. Uncovering Certain Mischievous Questions About the Holocaust
- Longerich, Peter. Policy of Destruction: Nazi Anti-Jewish Policy and the Genesis of the Final Solution
- Mommsen, Hans. Future Challenges to Holocaust Scholarship as an Integrated Part of the Study of Modern Dictatorship
- Picard, Jacques. On the Ambivalence of Being Neutral: Switzerland and Swiss Jewry Facing the Rise and Fall of the Nazi State
- Rodrigue, Aron. Sephardim and the Holocaust
- Rosenfeld, Alvin H. Anne Frank and Future of Holocaust Memory
- Roth, John. In the Shadow of Birkenau: Ethical Dilemmas during and after the Holocaust
- Stern, Frank. Facing the Past: Representations of the Holocaust in German Cinema since 1945
- Suedfeld, Peter. Life After the Ashes: The Postwar Pain and Resilience of Young Holocaust Survivors
- Tec, Nechama. Jewish Children: Between Protectors and Murderers
- Tec, Nechama. Jewish Resistance: Facts, Omissions, and Distortions
- Weinberg, Gerhard L. Germany's War for World Conquest and ...
- Weinberg, Gerhard L. World War lI Leaders and Their Visions for ...
- Zipperstein, Steven J. Past Revisited: Reflections on the Study of the Holocaust and Contemporary Antisemitism
- no author. Children and the Holocaust
- no author. Confiscation of Jewish Property in Europe, 1933-45: New Sources and Perspectives
- no author. Forced and Slave Labor in Nazi-Dominated Europe
- no author. Ghettos 1939-1945: New Research and Perspectives on Definition, Daily Life, and Survival
- no author. Hungary and the Holocaust: Confrontations with the Past
- no author. Jewish Resistance: A Working Bibliography
- no author. Lithuania and the Jews: The Holocaust Chapter
- no author. Roma and Sinti: Under-Studied Victims of Nazism
Miscellaneous Items in File Boxes
- 1900-2000: A Genocidal Century, William L. Shulman
- A Brief Lesson in History , William L. Shulman
- A State of Terror: Germany 1933-1939, William L. Shulman
- A Testimony for Every Holocaust Victim
- Anatomy of a Ghetto , William L. Shulman
- Dachau (After the Battle)
- Daisy Brand
- Fiftieth Anniversary of Kristallnacht (SIDIC)
- From Desolation to Hope, Fisher, Klenicki
- Ghetto Museum Terezin
- Good and Evil after Auschwitz (SIDIC)
- Handicapped
- Holocaust "Revisionism": Reinventing Big Lie
- Holocaust
- Homosexuals
- Jehovah's Witnesses
- Poles
- Questionable Issue: Currency of Holocaust
- Recognition of Goodness
- Remembrance: 50th Anniversary Commemorative
- Resistance during the Holocaust
- Sinti & Roma
- Tell your children ...
- Ten Year Anniversary Book
- The Difference One Can Make, L Reed, R Stafford
- The Holocaust (SIDIC)
- The Holocaust
- The Holocaust
- The Holocaust: Frequently Asked Questions, A Milgram, R Rbzett
- The Jews of Holland during the Shoah
- The Rediscovery of Judaism, John M. Oesterreicher
- The Shoah: A Catholic View
- The Teheran Children , Dorit Bader Whiteman
- The Teheran Children , William L. Shulman
- The Vatican and Nazism
- The Visit of Pope John Paul II to Yad Vashem
- The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
- To Save One Life: Story of Righteous Gentiles , William L. Shulman
- Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and Its Historical. ..
- Where Have All the Children Gone , William L. Shulman
Miscellaneous Uncataloged Items
- Anti-Semitism Worldwide 1995/6
- Days ofRemembrance
- Fifty Years Ago
- Go Where Your Eyes Take You, Daniel Berger
- Holocaust (boxed collection of booklets)
- HolocaustTheology, Dan Cohn-Sherbok
- Holocaust: A History, Dwork & Van Pelt
- Jewish Resistance
- The Bugs Are Burning, Hersh & Wolf
- The Catholic Church and the Holocaust, 1930-1965, Michael Phayer
- While Six Million Died, Arthur D. Morse