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Multicultural Studies: Reference


To find books and government documents in USA Libraries' collections, use SOUTHcat: USA Libraries' Catalog.

  • Catalog tips and tricks:
    • Keyword searches – use quotation marks to hold phrases together ("cross cultural")
    • Truncation – use ? after the root of a word to find all its variants (cultur? finds culture, cultural)
    • Browse the Subject(s) field in records to find the right words for searches. (Example: Try doing a keyword search for "cross cultural," then look at the subject(s) field in several records. You’ll see that the subject term is "diversity." Click the subject heading to find more records with this subject.)
  • Revise and refine your searches.
  • Watch for repeating call numbers and browse stacks in that area.
  • Pay attention to the Location and Status fields. You will need this information to locate the item in the library.

Suggested Search Terms

Below are some suggested search terms to use when searching the SOUTHcat catalog or library databases. Search techniques may vary with each databases, so look at help screens or ask a librarian for suggestions about using quotation marks and truncation symbols.

Leave out the word "and" when doing a keyword search on SOUTHcat, since this is automatically added if the phrase is not in quotes. Put phrases in quotation marks to search as a phrase. Use ? as a truncation or wildcard symbol in the catalog.

religion and culture                   international and ceremonies
marriage customs and rites multicultural
cross cultural customs and rituals
multiculturalism countries and cultural
intercultural communication diversity
ethnicity history and multicultural
cultural diversity politics and culture

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