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MKT 492: International Marketing Seminar: Google Scholar

This Guide provides search tips and sources for conducting research for MKT 492.

What does Google Scholar search?

While we don't know exactly which sites Google Scholar includes in its searches, from viewing the results of a search we can tell that it searches some publishers' websites for scholarly material (including some ebooks) and academic sites with an .edu extension. However, it does not search "everything" so remember to use Library Databases when doing a comprehensive literature search. Library databases also have the advantage of having advanced search features that allow one to narrow or broaden searches.   

InterLibrary Loan

Not finding an article or book you need? Try using the USA Libraries InterLibrary Loan (ILL) Service. University Libraries have a borrowing system so that researchers can get items they need for their research even if we don't own it. 

There are some limitations for items, like we can't borrow access to business databases, business data, market or industry research reports, streaming video, or older company annual reports.

Book chapters and articles are usually delivered electronically, while whole books arrive over at the Marx Library. See the ILL page for more detailed info. 

1. Google Scholar- Start Here

A lot of researchers use Google Scholar now to find out about articles. Here's a tip to make finding those articles easier.

Google Settings

If you click on the 3 horizontal lines on the top left, you can click on "Settings."

Click on "Library Links."

Enter University of South Alabama. Check the box beside our name and Click Save.

Also add the link for Open WorldCat - Library Search.  Check the box and Click Save.

Now, when you do searches in Google Scholar, it will put a link called "Full-text at USA" beside articles we own. Just follow that link and it will ask for your Jag number and email password. It will take you right to the article in the database. 

Detailed View of a Google Scholar Search