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HY 580: Research Seminar in Southern U.S. History: Finding Articles

Interlibrary Loan

If the article you need is not in any of our databases or in print or microfilm in the Library, we can request it for you from another library. Go to the Interlibrary Loan page for information on registering for an ILL account, requesting materials, and fees.

Finding Articles

Use article databases to identify articles on specific topics, as well as to locate full-text electronic articles. Find them on the Articles, Indexes, and Databases page linked from the Library homepage. Remote access is available for most journals.

Multdisciplinary databases such as Academic Search Complete are a good place to start for most topics. Once you have chosen your paper topic, consult a librarian to see which databases are the best suited for your reseach. Here is a webpage detailing the technical process of obtaining a fulltext article.

Our Journal List is the database of all the journals we subscribe to in print and electronically. Once you have a citation to an article, go here to see if the Libraries have a subscription to this particular volume, issue and year of the journal you need. Occasionally the information is incorrect and/or unclear. Call us at 460-7028 if you have any question about the availability of these journals. (Note: Some magazine and journal publishers "embargo" the latest year of electronic versions. This means that the most recent issues will not be available online for a year from their publication date.)

Recommended Databases

Google Scholar

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