In this assignment, you are asked to use the database ARTstor to find an image of the work of art you chose as your favorite. To access the ARTstor, click on the link below or go to "Articles Indexes, and Databases" on the library's homepage, then choose "ARTstor."
Check out these screenshots for tips on searching ARTstor!
Begin on the main page, choose the "Advanced Search" option. The Advanced Search allows you to be more precise in your search.
Once in the Advanced Search, enter your the title of your work, then choose "in Title only" from the drop down menu. Then enter your artist into the second search box; then choose "in Creator only" from the second drop down menu. Click "Search."
On your results page, choose the image that you want and click image to select. Double click to enlarge. Click caption to view full record (ie. artist, title, medium, size, etc.)
To save citation for export, (1) click on image, (2) select tools from the top menu, (3) select "save citations for selected images."
To view and export citations, (1) click "tools" from main menu, then (2) "view and export citations."
From this screen, you can either email citations or export them to citation management software.
You will need to format the citation into correct Chicago Style. See the Chicago Style tab for tips.
In the second part of this assignment, you are asked to use the database JSTOR to find an article related to your chosen work of art or the artist of your chosen work. You are instructed to not use an editor's note or book review. To access JSTOR, click on the link below or chose "Articles, Indexes, and Databases" on the library's homepage, then select JSTOR.
Check out the screen shots below for how to search JSTOR!
From the advanced search, type in your search terms. For this example, I am looking for articles on Gian Lorenzo Bernini, my artist, rather than the work itself. Begin with a search for either work title or artist.
Also, you can limit on only results of articles (this weeds out book reviews!)
On the results page, to acess information on an article, click on the article's title.
On the article's information page, to access the summary or abstract, click on "summary." To access the full-text of the article for reading or printing, chose "View PDF."
From this page, you can also email or export your citation.