This page contains useful information and links on statistical data needed for your international market planning.
Online resources that focus on economics and statistics. Please click on title to go directly to URL:
American Economics Association - "RFE References for Economist on the Internet" is a collection of indices and world data from a variety of sources.
Bureau of Economic Analysis provides trade information located under the international tab.
Britannica World Book Data Analyst provides detailed statistics with tools that allows you to create comparative charts and tables. the website for the Magazine,The Economist, and the library has print available for the past 12 months.
Electronic Commerce - The U.S. Census Bureau's Internet site devoted exclusively to "Measuring the Electronic Economy." This site features recent and upcoming releases, information on methodology, and background papers.
Foreign Trade Statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau
EuroStat - Eurostat’s mission is to provide the European Union with a high-quality statistical information service. Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union situated in Luxembourg. Its task is to provide the European Union with statistics at European level that enable comparisons between countries and regions.
Industrial Reports - The Current Industrial Report (CIR) has been providing monthly, quarterly and annual measures of industrial activity for many years. The primary objective of the CIR program is to produce timely, accurate data on production and shipments of selected products. The data are used to satisfy economic policy needs and for market analysis, forecasting and decision-making in the private sector.
International Monetary Fund - World Economic Outlook
International Monetary Fund - Regional Economic Outlook Reports
International Monetary Fund - Data and Statistics
Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OCED) - a key resource for international research.
Trade Stat Express - the official blog site of the ITA with helpful hints
U.S. State Department of State Background Notes - factual publications that provide information on all the countries that have relations with the U.S. Factual data included is the country's land, people, history, government, political conditions and economy.
U.S. Commercial Services trade-related services; market research, trade leads, trade show directories, company directories.
The World Bank The World Bank's Open Data initiative is intended to provide all users with access to World Bank data. The data catalog is a listing of available World Bank datasets, include databases, pre-formatted tables and reports. Each of the listings includes a description of the data set and a direct link to that set. Where possible, the databases are linked directly to a selection screen to allow users to select the countries, indicators, and years they would like to search. Those search results can be exported in different formats. Users can also choose to download the entire database directly from the catalog.
World Bank's Global Consumption Database - a source of data on household consumption patterns in developing countries.
World Health Organization - global health statistics.
World Life Expectancy - world health statistics and rankings.
World Resources Institute reviews the environmental issues with country profiles available.
Print materials in the MCOB Library Reference Section:
World Consumer Income and Expenditure Patterns (MCOB Ref HB 522 .W67)
International Marketing Data and Statistics (MCOB Ref HA 42 .I56)
Global Competitiveness Report. World Economic Forum. (MCOB Ref HF 1414 .G55)
International Marketing Data and Statistics (MCOB Ref HA 42 .I56)
World Consumer Lifestyles Databook: Key Trends (MCOB Ref HF 5415.32 .W67)
European Marketing Data and Statistics (MCOB Ref HA 1107 .E87)
OECD Factbook: Economic, environmental & social statistics (MCOB Ref HC 10 .O425)
World Economic Situation and Prospects. United Nations. (MCOB Ref HC 59.15 .W67)