We have hard copies of the APA Publication Manual in the MCOB Reference Section and at the MCOB Reserve desk as a 7-day reserve item. The call number is BF 76.7 .P83 2010.
Microsoft Word 2010 - look under the 'references' tab at the top of the screen. Choose "APA" from the drop-down menu next to "style". Next, choose on "Insert Citation" and "Add New Source". Choose your format and then select "Show All Bibliography Fields" and enter required information for the resource you are using.
A few examples of APA Citation:
A work by a single author - use the short form of the publisher's name. Write out the names of associations, corporations and university presses. Include the words Bookand Press, but do no include terms such as Publishers, Co.
Maslow, A.H. (1974). Toward a psychology of being. Princeton: Van Nostrand.
A work by more than one author - list up to six authors by last name and initials. For more than six authors, add et al. after the sixth name.
Wolfinger, D., Knable, P., Richards, H.L., & Silberger, R. (1990). The chronically unemployed. New York: Berman Press.
A work by a corporate author - when the author and the publisher are the same, include the word Author at the end of the citation instead of repeating the publisher's name.
League of Women Voters of the United States. (2001). Local League Handbook. Washington, D.C: Author.
A searchable database
Nowroozi, C. (1992). What you lose when you miss sleep. Nation's Business, 80(9). 73-77. Retrieved April 22, 2001, from Business Source Premier.