This guide provides resources for Education graduate students; it is specifically geared toward distance education students. Some resources may be located physically in the Marx Library, while others may be available online.
To see if a particular journal is in the Libraries' collection, or to browse journal titles by discipline, use the Our Journal List link.
If you have a subject to research, try the link for Articles, Indexes, & Databases. ERIC is education’s primary database. USA’s access can be found under EBSCO on the Articles, Indexes, & Databases page. It and other databases are also listed alphabetically and in subject groupings. ERIC contains references and abstracts from unpublished documents (ED) and references and abstracts for journal articles (EJ). Many of the documents are available full text online, or articles through linked full text. Older ERIC documents are also on microfiche (filed by ED #) on the second floor south of the Library.
In EBSCO you can select two other education databases, along with ERIC, and search all three at the same time: ERIC, Education Research Complete and the Professional Development Collection. But an advantage of beginning a search with ERIC alone is that a thesaurus (controlled vocabulary) is available.
Other databases with significant education content are Professional Collection in Gale InfoTrac, the education journals in Sage Online, PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, and SocINDEX (also EBSCO). EBSCO also offers SportDiscus for health and physical education articles.
Limiters: There are useful limiters that may be used in searching an EBSCO database. You may select only journal articles, or only peer reviewed articles. Another leading feature is being able to restrict results to reports research for empirical research studies only. In many databases the articles will be listed in reverse chronological order (latest first), but there is a date limiter as well.