*APCs are used by open access journals in lieu of subscription fees that libraries and readers traditionally have paid to gain access to research articles. Under the current three transformative agreements made possible by USA Libraries any and all APC's will be fully waived.
*Every author should read their contract with their publisher, ask questions, and suggest changes. A high quality journal will be very clear and open about their policies, including APCs - the cost, and any benefits that paying an APC gives authors.
Article/Author Processing Charges (APCs) are charged to authors of scholarly articles during the publication process. APCs shift the burden of journal production costs (editing, peer review, hosting, archiving, preservation), to authors from readers. Paying an APC results in an article that is available to anyone with an internet connection. Corporate, non-profit, society, academic, and other publishers use a variety of models to meet their income needs and publishing service costs, and charging APCs is one model.
APCs should not be confused with page charges long associated with both print and digital publications. Page charges are used to cover administrative costs as well as the cost of print publication, but do not make the article available in an open access (OA) model.