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MBA 504 : Customers & Supply Chains: Industry Analysis

This guide will help students identify quality sources of information for researching industries and customers.

Library Databases with Industry Reports

In recommended order, here are the databases available to assist you with industry research:

Industry Statistics

Search terms

In addition to the name of the industry (ex: fitness, gym, health club, etc), other terms that I like to use in searches for industry information include:

  • Trends
  • Research
  • Statistics OR Data
  • Consumer
  • Specific areas of the business that I want to find out about (marketing, business-to-business OR B2B, data security, etc.)

Library Databases for Articles

Industry Associations

Trade or industry associations are a great source for information on an industry. Sometimes they have free information available. Other times it is restricted to members of that organization.

Business Insights: Essentials

To search for trade associations, go to the Advanced Search page. Instead of Keyword search, select Association from the pull-down menu. Search by Association Name, Description, NAICS, SIC, State or Country.


Search for Industry Association Information in Articles

Search for the name of the industry in business articles. Sometimes you will find statistics or research quoted in the articles that would normally only be available to members who pay membership fees to access.