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AN 305: Archaeological Method and Theory: Citation Mining

This LibGuide is in support of the University of South Alabama's AN 305 course.

Citation Mining

Citation mining is when you use a relevant book or article to find more resources on the same topic.

You can find related resources in two different ways:

  • Use an author's name to find more resources written by that author.
  • Find the items that your resource references.

How to Mine for Citations:

  1.  Use the reference list of an article or book to find another potential source.Screenshot of an article's References page.
  2. Search the author's name in OneSearch for USA Libraries. Make sure to write the surname first and to select the "Author" button.sScreenshot of the OneSearch for USA Libraries search bar
  3. Search the title of another work in Google Scholar. Make sure to log in to your JagMail account in that browser before making any searches.Screenshot of Google Scholar search result
  4. Select the "Full-Text@USA" option below the article you want to read. You might need to click on the arrows to show this option.
  5. If you do not have the "Full-Text@USA" option, please make sure you are signed into your JagMail email on your browser.
  6. If you cannot access the article, if there are no Full-Text@USA options, or if the article is behind a paywall, please request the article through Interlibrary Loan.

Citation Mining Video

Journal List