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Marx Library Staff Training for Reference: Referring Questions

Referring Questions

When Should I Refer a Question?

  1. If you cannot answer the question at all
  2. If the question goes beyond what you were originally asked
  3. if you are uncomfortable with your ability to answer the question
  4. If the patron tells you that they need more than what you've been able to provide
  5. If the question is a complicated medical or business question.

To Whom Should I Refer Questions?

For most questions, to the reference librarian on call, if possible (check desk schedule). During times when there is no reference librarian on call:

  1. If the question is a very general one, give the patron the hours when there is a librarian available, and the reference email.
  2. If the question is subject specific, give the patron the business card of the librarian who is the subject specialist for that area
  3. If the question is a complicated medical, nursinng or allied health question, refer the patron to the Biomedical Library.
  4. If the question is an involved business question, refer the patron to the MCOB Library.

Use the Subject Librarian list to help you refer questions about specific topics to the correct librarian. See the Library Directory for contact information.

Other Libraries

Subject Librarians

Librarian Discipline
Amia Baker Business
Stephanie Evers Ard

Sociology & Anthropology, including

  • Social Work
  • Gerontology

Political Science & Criminal Justice
Military Science

Amy Prendergast

Engineering, including

  • Chemical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering

Marine Sciences

Earth Sciences, including

  • Geography
  • Geology
  • Meteorology

Environmental Toxicology
Mathematics & Statistics

Angela Rand Education
Adult Interdisciplinary Studies
Beth Rugan Shepard  English, including
  • African American Studies

Foreign Language & Literature
Theatre & Dance
Visual Arts
International Studies
Philosophy & Religion

Vicki Tate Government Documents