This guide lists detailed information about accessing, troubleshooting, and training for SciFinder, the end-user online version of Chemical Abstracts. SciFinder is the most important resource for finding chemical information.
I am indebted to Teri Vogel at the University of California at San Diego for allowing me to use her excellent guide as a template.
Access SciFinder from your mobile device: author, keyword, chemical name/RN searches.
With SciFinder Mobile you can:
You cannot:
USA is now providing access to the Scifinder-n platform!
The links on our Databases page now link to SciFinder-n. If you have saved answers and alerts (Keep Me Posted) you should migrate them from the old SciFinder to SciFinder-n. Click the Bookmark icon to access the migrate feature found on the Saved Answers page
SciFinder answer files exported to an external drive in the .akx file format must be imported and saved to SciFinder before they can be migrated to SciFinder-n.
Register for access : users must register with CAS *from an on-campus computer* and receive a login name and password.
SciFinder is restricted to USA faculty, staff and students. Unlike most of our other electronic resources, there is no walk-in access available for non-USA affiliates on any library computer.
There is a pay-as-you-go online version for non-USA end users. See the Chemical Abstracts tab for details on these options.