To find books and government documents in USA Libraries' collections, use SOUTHcat: USA Libraries' Catalog.
Below are some suggested search terms to use when searching the SOUTHcat catalog or library databases. Search techniques may vary with each databases, so look at help screens or ask a librarian for suggestions about using quotation marks and truncation symbols.
Leave out the word "and" when doing a single keyword searches on SOUTHcat, since "and" is automatically added between words if the phrase is not in quotes. Put phrases in quotation marks to search as a phrase. Use ? as a truncation or wildcard symbol in the catalog. SOUTHcat will ignore internal punctuation in a word, for example: non-verbal will find nonverbal.
"social sciences" methodology
qualitative research
"social sciences" research
research method?
psychology methods
"organizational behavior" research
survey? methodology
questionnaire? methodology
interview? research
qualitative method?