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PSC 310: Research Methods: Chicago Style

This guide is in support of Dr. Liebetz's Spring 2017 PSC 310 course.

Academic Integrity

"As a community of students and scholars, The University strives to set and maintain the highest standards of academic integrity. All members of the university community are expected to exhibit honesty and competence in academic work. This responsibility can be met only through earnest and continuing good faith effort on the part of all students and faculty."

The Lowdown, "Student Academic Conduct Policy"

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Chicago Style Manual

Chicago/Turabian style is commonly used in the social sciences, history, humanities, and the arts. The latest Chicago Manual of Style is the 16th edition, published in 2010, and the latest Turabian's Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations is the 8th edition, published in 2013.

Chicago Style Systems

The Chicago Manual of Style is used by the social sciences, sciences, humanities, the arts and history.  The different disciplines use different citation systems:

Author-Date System: social science and sciences
Documentary Note Style: humanities, arts, history

Finding DOIs

For Chicago/Turabian, a doi (digital object identifier) is often a required part of the citation as it allows someone else to easily find the material being cited.

Some databases, however, do not always include an item's doi. To find a doi for an electonic resource, use CrossRef's free doi lookup service: