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Music: Finding Books

Introduction to Music Sources


To find books and government documents in USA Libraries' collections, use SOUTHcat: USA Libraries' Catalog.

To the left are some suggested search terms to use when searching the SOUTHcat catalog or library databases. Search techniques may vary with each databases, so look at help screens or ask a librarian for suggestions about using quotation marks and truncation symbols.

Leave out the word "and" when doing a single keyword searches on SOUTHcat, since "and" is automatically added between words if the phrase is not in quotes. Put phrases in quotation marks to search as a phrase. Use ? as a truncation or wildcard symbol in the catalog.

  • Revise and refine your searches.
  • Watch for repeating call numbers and browse stacks in that area.
  • Pay attention to the Location and Status fields. You will need this information to locate the item in the library.

Interlibrary Loans

If the book or article you need is not owned by the Library, we can request it for you from another library.  Go to the Interlibrary Loan LibGuide for information on registering for an ILL account, requesting materials, and fees.

Suggested Search Terms

Subject  Heading Searches

music therapy                                                   music -- performance
vocal music                                                        voice culture
musical analysis                                              musicals
jazz                                                                      musicals -- librettos
music -- instruction and study                       composers
Keyword Searches

symphon?  Beethoven                                    “Chicago symphony”
Schubert  score?                                               Music and copyright
song?  Bach                                                       music? And African American?

Title Searching

Locate operas, symphonies and concertos with a Title search. 
Leave off articles such as the, a, die, les at the beginning of titles.

traviata   not  la traviata                                   symphony no. 5
Messiah                                                            Mikado

Use the Author Search to locate performance works by a composer/performer.

The Subject Heading Search will help you locate books about the individual’s life and criticism and interpretation of musical works.