To find books and government documents in USA Libraries' collections, use SOUTHcat: USA Libraries' Catalog.
To find books in other libraries, use Worldcat.
If USA does not own a book or journal article you need, we can likely obtain it for you from another library. Allow a minimum of 10 working days, but titles held by libraries in Alabama may arrive faster. No charge is passed on to you for these in-state items. Charges made by out-of-state libraries will be billed to your account. The ILL request forms are available from a link on the library homepage. The first time you use ILL you will need to register.
As undergraduate students, you can have 5 ILL requests in process at any time. Call the ILL office at 460-7034 or email for more information.
ILL is within the reference offices (room 253) on the 2nd floor north.
The USA Libraries subscribe to several subscription e-book collections. These collections tend to focus on a specific discipline or field of study in their coverage.
Part of Google's library-scanning project. Only books in the public domain are shown in full text. Others may have just a citation or show selected pages from the book. Remember, you can check SOUTHcat to see if we have a book you find in Google Books if the full text is not available.