Citation mining is when you use a relevant book or article to find more resources on the same topic.
To mine for citations, you can use an author's name to find other publications on the same topic, or you can review the item's reference list or reference page for additional leads.
How to Mine for Citations:
1. Use the reference list of an article or book to find another potential source.
2. Check our journal list to see if we have access to the publication.
3. If we have the journal, use one of the full-text options to search for the article. You can search using the article's title or the author's name.
5. If we don't have access to the journal, you can request the article through Interlibrary Loan.
Google Scholar makes it very easy to 'forward' citation mine. This means you can look for papers that have cited your paper of interest, so you are moving forward in time, rather than looking backward at the references cited in the same paper.
How to Mine for Citations using Google Scholar:
1. First, find the paper of interest in Google Scholar. If you type the entire title into the search bar, that will pull up the paper of interest.
2. A 'Cited by' number will be below the entry.
3. If you click on the 'Cited by' number, it will open all of the papers that Google Scholar found that cited your paper of interest.
4. Please be aware, this may not be a complete list. There may be research papers that have been missed.