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MAS 336: Marine Operations: Off-Campus Access

This guide was created to support Dr. Krause's MAS 336 course

Contact Informaton

Marx Library

Ellen Wilson


Biomedical Library


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Login Screen

Your login name for Marx Library and Biomedical Library databases is your J Number and your password is the same as your JagMail password.

The login screen for library databases, electronic journals, and ebooks will appear once you have clicked on the link to that resource. This is the only login screen you should get:

Login screen

Eligible Users

Only USA faculty, staff and currently-enrolled students are eligible to use our subscription databases from off campus. Alumni and Courtesy Card holders are not entitled to access our online resources remotely because this violates our licenses with database vendors who do not allow us to sell access to their products. Our agreements allow remote use only for current students, faculty and staff.

For remote access, your J Number is your login name and your password is your JagMail password. Contact the Marx Library at 251-460-7028 or webref@southalabama if you have problems with access.

NOTE: If you are in Alabama and are not a current faculty, staff or student but need database access, use the Alabama Virtual Library. The AVL will recognize your computer as one that is in Alabama.

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Sonja Sheffield
Marx Library 247